An Intimate garden wedding in the middle of Dallas, Texas

Wanting a garden picturesque wedding celebration in the middle of a large city can feel like a daunting task. as elements of nature have risen in popularity, more brides have been looking at their local garden centers, arboretum's, or even state protected lands to host their wedding days. Sydney and Boone's beautiful scenery features the nature of the Texas Discovery Gardens. A public garden sanctuary nestled near the Texas State fair grounds.

As a husband and wife documentary team, we had the privilege of being hired on for their wedding photo and video--with most of the coverage being predominately on film. Usually the day breaks down into Gracie heading up the photo team, while Jonathan leads the day on either 16mm video or Super 8 video.

What is it like to have your wedding day captured on 16mm film?

For many not familiar with film it can be confusing how it all works. 16mm film is a larger negative celluloid film than its sister, Super 8. Because of that it is able to capture more detail with less grain, creating a jaw dropping colorful image of your wedding day. I best describe it to folks as "looking exactly how you're going to remember it in your mind's eye".

We bring multiple rolls with us, crank the motor (which is near silent), and began to film longer snippets of what is unfolding around us. The approach is true to life and not incredibly intrusive. Once we have our film digitized we are then able to begin the editing process, where we can then get it into your hands and onto your TV screens.

Your Micro Wedding Celebration Photographed to Last

Nothing makes me more excited than when a bride reaches out and ask, "Can you shoot our wedding on film?" Um, yes!!

While we love to do everything from massive weddings on the coast of Italy to small elopements on the cliffs of Glacier National Park, bringing our film and digital camera's along light us up. With the ability to bundle photo and video together, your team feels more intimate, which leads to the ability of getting more true documentary coverage (and hey, it's basically a date for us.)

Wedding Photography: Digital or Film?

While we are completely film obsessed, contrary to popular believe, we do enjoy the quality of stories that digital cameras can tell. Like film, they have their own unique voices and deserve to be wielded by trained pro's on your wedding day. Take a look at the way these different mediums told the story of Sydney and Boone's wedding day.

Kodak 500T


Portra 800


Open Space Ceremony Ideas

Texas Discovery Garden has a few different nooks to place your ceremony site. I fell head over heels in love when I saw how Both Bloom Floral Company decided to arrange the floral layout around the open field of S+B's ceremony site.